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Order tracking tool

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Track orders

Review and follow all the sales orders (open and closed) and basic data attached to it, such as:

  • order details
  • confirmation status (per order line)
  • promised date for delivery
  • You can also check some specific details of delivery process status (allocation, picked & packed, sent etc).

Check product availability

Check potential delivery date and stock availability for desired products. Please use HANSA product numbers, you can use our Product finder to check the correct number. 

DISCLAMER: As system delivers real time data, presented dates must be confirmed by our Customer Service Team in case you wish to place an order, and by nature can be subject for change before final confirmation.

Basic reporting

If you want to find specific orders, there is a module that can print desired outcome for you. Feel free to make some limitations to the query based on: Order number, PO number, Customer PO number, Order Date. Please keep in mind empty fields equals wildcard and all parameters must be considered as combined (AND).

Contact Us

In case of further technical questions or issues, please reach out to our support via email: with details of your query and screenshots from the system (which is real time data and subject for change). If you still have orders related questions, please contact our Customer Service team via email:                 We will address you queries promptly.

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